What’s new in the Wonderful World of Grandparenting?

What New Grandparents Need to Know DeeDee Moore What New Grandparents Need to Know DeeDee Moore

4 Things That Have Changed Since Grandparents Had Babies

The advice about how to keep babies safe and healthy has changed a lot since you were a parent. It’s impossible for a grandparent to know everything they need to know about baby care and safety without brushing up on what’s new. Here are four important changes since you had children. Knowing them will help you support parents.

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What Grandparents Need to Know about Food Neutrality

If your grandchild’s parents have been serving cookies with dinner or asking you to stop commenting on how picky Junior is, this post is for you. Food neutrality is a hot topic among parents, who are trying to break the generational cycle of disordered eating. Learn about what food neutrality, disordered eating, and why your grandchildren may be able to have a healthier relationship with food than past generations.

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What Grandparents Need to Know About Discipline

Why is discipline the leading cause of disagreements between parents and grandparents? You just need to look at how parenting philosophies have evolved over the years. Find out how grandparents can handle misbehavior while respecting parental authority, and get some tips for nurturing positive relationships and resolving conflicts. Read on for a deeper understanding of modern discipline practices.

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What Grandparents Need to Know About Social Media Safety

Learn about social media safety for grandparents and the potential social media dangers for their grandchildren. Sharing personal information, photos, and posting information about their grandchildren online can lead to identity theft and expose them to malicious individuals. To safeguard your grandchildren, read this post to know what to avoid.

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Grandparents Needed Now More Than Ever Before

Discover why being a lifelong learner is crucial for grandparents to be influential in their grandchildren's lives. As families face unprecedented challenges, grandparents can play a vital role in supporting, encouraging, and loving their grandchildren. Learn how committing to lifelong learning can help you stay aligned with your loved ones, cultivate new friendships, stay mentally healthy, and ultimately make a significant impact on your grandchildren's lives. Join GrandparentsAcademy.com and gain access to world-class masterclasses to enhance your role as an influential grandparent.

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Can Grandparents Spoil Their Grandchildren?

Why do grandparents spoil their grandchildren? Though they think of it as a way of showing their love, grandparents who spoil grandchildren are doing more damage than good. Find out what grandparents should do instead of spoiling their grandkids to create a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

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Hospital Etiquette for Grandparents

Should you visit the hospital when your new grandbaby is born? If so, what do you need to know? Our list of the do’s and don’ts of hospital visits will help grandparents who want to go to the hospital when their new grandchild is born. You’ll want to read our tips before you plan a visit to your new grandchild and his or her parents.

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Why Grandparents Don’t Respect Boundaries

Is “boundaries” a bad word? Grandparents who don't respect boundaries may think so, or they may just need an open conversation around what healthy grandparent boundaries entail. If you are a grandparent struggling with boundaries set by your adult children, or a parent faced with grandparents who overstep boundaries, read on for some practical advice on healthy boundaries for grandparents.

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Are You Fit for the Best Time of Your Life?

Learn why staying fit is crucial for grandparents in this post by Sheila of Grandma Moves. As we age, we lose muscle mass and quick reaction time, which can impact our ability to do everyday activities and even affect our independence. Sheila shares simple exercises and activities that can help improve strength, flexibility, and balance to enjoy those precious moments with our grandchildren. Start small, make it enjoyable, and commit to a healthy lifestyle of fitness

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