Grandparenting resources
empowering new grandparents
to build lasting memories
Explore resources to help new grandparents connect with their grandchildren

Explore resources to help new grandparents connect with their grandchildren
What do new grandparents need to know? Our checklist has everything you need to do, buy and think about when you become a grandparent.
Our gift ideas for grandchildren are guaranteed to be a hit with grandkids of every age—and their parents. Find suggestions for the best gifts for grandkids for any occasion!
Want to be more than a “good enough” grandparent? Join the intentional, loving grandparents who have created deep, meaningful bonds with their children and grandchildren thanks to New Grandparent Essentials.
If you use social media, you may be putting your grandchildren at risk when you post about them. Our free guide will help you keep them safe.
Looking for books for new grandparents? We’ve reviewed the best grandparenting books to help you navigate your new role.
Understanding your superpower will help you forge loving relationships, navigate boundaries, and create a lifetime of memories!
There’s a perfect grandmother nickname for every new grandma. Find your grandma name on our extensive list.
Grandparents Academy offers courses that will enrich your life, both as a grandparent and as a human! Check out the latest course offerings.
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