What’s better than local grandparent classes?
The Real Reason Some Grandparents Have More Fun
Think of ANY grandparent you know who seems to always be doing something fun with their grandkids. Chances are, you look at them and hope that you’ll do the same with your grandchild someday: the sleepovers, the weekly family dinners, the silly photos they share on social media.
But have you ever thought about what they do behind the scenes that make those moments possible?
Those grandparents don’t end up being their grandchild’s best friend through luck. And it’s not because they shower them with gifts, either.
So what’s their secret?
The grandparents who become an involved, valued part of their grandchild’s life are the ones who do these two things:
They are intentional about their role as a grandparent
They make their relationship with their grandchild’s parents a priority.
If you’re like most new grandparents I meet,
you think that being a grandparent is something you’ll be a natural at.
It’s intuitive, right?
Well, no.
Loving our grandchildren IS intuitive. But building a relationship with them is like any other relationship: you have to put in the work for it to succeed.
If it were truly intuitive, there wouldn’t be so many parents writing to the advice columns asking for help when the grandparents don’t listen.
There wouldn’t be so many grandparents wondering why their requests for visits keep getting ignored.
There wouldn’t be so many families that end up estranged over something that started out as a small annoyance and became a wound too deep to heal.
Grandparents are making mistakes because so much of our cultural conversation about being a grandparent focuses on the wrong things, like spoiling them and ignoring parent’s rules.
The BIGGEST mistake new grandparents make is not doing anything to prepare for their new role.
And the worst part? They don’t even realize the negative impact this will have on their relationship with their grandchild down the line.
But now you know, and we can help you prepare and avoid the mistakes.
Show us one involved grandparent who doesn’t have a great relationship with their grandchild’s parents.
That’s because they know what you may not have realized until right now.
You can’t be a valued part of your grandchild’s life unless you focus on creating a supportive relationship with their parents.
And to be a supportive partner to parents, you need to be a prepared grandparent.
If you already know you want to support parents, then you already have what it takes to be an amazing grandparent.
And just as we’ve helped other grandparents who want to do all they can, we’re ready to help you.
Grandparent Classes Reimagined:
Introducing New Grandparent Essentials
“Your course is totally worth the investment! The lesson in “intentional grand-parenting” made me realize how helpful it is to give more thought to my goals as a grandma and create an action plan. The talking points for the partnership with grandbaby’s parents are the most powerful part. “
–Gramma K
New Grandparent Essentials isn’t a traditional grandparenting class. It’s a downloadable guide that will give you the tools and information you need to support parents and become a beloved part of your grandchild’s life.
It isn’t like the grandparent classes at your local hospital.
This 50-page PDF contains four essential sections that will help you avoid all the mistakes new grandparents make and become a Most Valuable Grandparent.
❤ You’ll forge a harmonious Partnership with Parents with the exact words to use so that parents know you support them
❤ You’ll craft an intentional vision now to make memories in the future—even from a distance.
❤ You’ll have all the latest recommendations for keeping your grandchild safe.
❤ You’ll understand the truth about parenting in today’s world, and why your children may decide to do things differently.
Plus, we’ll give you a road map to success and share the best of the best in books, websites and more to provide you with even more information and inspiration.
“The Only Roadmap You'll Need on Your Journey”
New Grandparent Essentials is the guidebook every new (or expectant) grandparent must read! As a counselor specializing in family communication, I haven't found a better tool to prepare grandparents for success on the journey to their new role in the family. NGE is aptly named: it is the essential guide for grandparents. The guide provides answers to the common questions and concerns that grandparents have had forever, as well as covering crucial newer topics that affect children growing up today. This might be the only roadmap you'll need on your journey.
— Cynthia Kane, MS, CGC
Founder, It's Their Turn: Wisdom for Grandparents
New Grandparent Essentials includes everything a new grandparent needs to know:
Your Grandchild’s Dream Team: Creating a Harmonious Partnership with Parents
Whether your relationship with your adult children is rocky or smooth, their shift to parenthood can cause stress and misunderstandings. Our tested advice helps you confidently navigate the new relationship you’re developing with parents when you become a grandparent. In Partnering With Parents, you’ll get targeted conversation starters to find out what they need, determine how you can help, and establish balanced boundaries. You’ll learn:
🚩 The exact words to use so that parents know you’ll support them
🚩 How to be an in-law who’s welcomed with open arms
🚩 The secret to knowing when to help and when to step back
We thought we were pretty good at grandparenting until New Grandparent Essentials showed us an even better way. NGE will help you thrive in your role as a grandparent. By focusing first on the relationship with your adult child, you will exponentially improve your relationship with and impact on the lives of your grandkids.
— Grandma Rae & Grandma NaeNae
Building Your Legacy: Create a Vision Now to Make Memories in the Future
What kind of grandparent do you want to be? What memories do you want to make? How do you want to be remembered? Our guided exercise provides a framework to clarify your expectations and intentions, then helps you create a plan to achieve them.
Whether your grandchildren are close enough to see every day or so far away that you’ll be lucky to have yearly visits, building strong bonds starts with your Grand Vision. You’ll learn:
🚩 The key step to making a lifetime of memories, even from a distance
🚩 The most important step you can take to enrich your time with your grandkids
🚩 How to pass on your values and traditions without stepping on parents’ toes
The World Has Changed: Understanding Your Children’s Decision to Do Things Differently
Body Autonomy? Baby-led Weaning? What do those terms even mean? With Trends in Parenting, you’ll have a leg up on the other grandparents when it comes to understanding the latest terms, strategies and practices. Knowing what’s out there on the parenting landscape is key to supporting new parents. In this section, you’ll discover:
🚩 The unfortunate truth about parenting in today’s world
🚩 How to ask questions without seeming critical
🚩 What’s important to new parents so that you don’t seem out of touch
When I was a very new grandmother, I was full of excitement for the new role I had, and I consider it more than just serendipity that I met DeeDee early in my journey. Downloading "New Grandparent Essentials" provided some early course corrections that have pivoted my entire grandparenting journey.
— Lynnae Allred
Keeping Your Grandchild Safe: How New Research Shapes Today’s Advice
Babies haven’t changed, but the advice about how to care for them has evolved as research has led to better methods. In Baby Care & Safety, you’ll get the latest information and expert recommendations so you don’t have to spend hours searching the internet or risk finding outdated material. Even better, parents will be thrilled that they don’t have to explain to you why the crib you’ve been saving isn’t safe for your new grandbaby! You’ll find out:
🚩 The fastest way to get up to date on current safety and care recommendations
🚩 The whole truth about why parents won’t trust you with your grandchild
🚩 The single most important reason to keep up with new information
Discover the MVG Secret
There are a million ways to be a grandparent, but being a Most Valuable Grandparent requires knowing this important strategy.
Enrich Your Experience: Resources Chosen Just for You
We’ve cut through the dozens of options to find the best of the best in books, websites and more to provide you with further information and inspiration.
You have provided priceless advice and lots of learning opportunities about how to thrive as a Grand. The genius guidance in New Grandparent Essentials has opened up such an amazing dialogue with my daughter as we’ve shared ideas, concerns and product information, as well as her hopes and dreams for her daughter.
—Grandma Sue
Okay, so how much is my investment?
Let me ask you this: how much would it be worth to ensure that you have smooth relationship with your grandchild’s parents?
How much would it be worth to make sure you keep your grandbaby safe from risks that could harm them?
How much would it be worth to know that you’ll pass on the values and family history that you want to preserve?
New Grandparent Essentials is a small investment in your family that will pay dividends for generations to come.
Past customers have told us we should be charging at least $300 for this valuable resource.
But because we want to get it into the hands of as many families as possible, New Grandparent Essentials is available for just $49.
Don’t wait until you need to pay for a family counselor at $300/hour.
Invest just $49 now and you’ll have all the tools you need to start creating joyful family memories.
“A Meaningful and Intentional Relationship From the Start”
Just like parenting, grandparents come to the role with a lot of natural instincts and ideas about what being a supportive and loving grandparent means. New Grandparents Essentials helps you channel that toward a meaningful and intentional relationship with your grandchildren - and their parents - from the start.
—Kerry Byrne, PhD
Founder of The Long Distance Grandparent
So let’s recap:
New Grandparent Essentials will give you the tools and information you need to support parents and become a beloved part of your grandchild’s life.
This 50-page PDF contains five essential sections that will help you avoid all the mistakes new grandparents make and become a Most Valuable Grandparent.
You’ll get the exact words to use so that parents know you’ll support them
You’ll discover key steps to making a lifetime of memories, even from a distance
You’ll find out the secret to knowing when to help parents and when to step back
You’ll learn the single most important reason to keep up with new information
You’ll understand the truth about parenting in today’s world
You’ll know how to ask questions without seeming critical
Can’t decide? Read this.
Every choice in we make in life changes the future. As grandparents, the choices we make affect not just us, but our grandchildren.
Your first choice is to hope for good enough and stop reading now.
But if you already know that you want to be more than a “good enough” grandparent, then your choice is obvious: Join the intentional, loving grandparents who have created deep, meaningful bonds with their children and grandchildren thanks to New Grandparent Essentials.
Simply click the button below and you’ll be on your way to becoming an MVG (Most Valuable Grandparent).
But choose quickly. Your grandchildren need you NOW.
Frequently Asked Questions
The simple act of enrolling in New Grandparent Essentials shows that you want to be an intentional, involved grandparent and supportive partner to your grandchild’s parents. Reading the guides and completing the exercises gives you the tools you need to create the relationship you dream of from the start. It’s simple really: buying New Grandparent Essentials shows you care enough to invest in your family, and the reward is stronger bonds.
No new role in life is completely intuitive. Besides, becoming a grandparent is not just a new role: It’s a new relationship with your grandchild’s parents. All new relationships need care and nurturing, and this one can be harder than most! It’s easy for grandparents to make mistakes without even realizing it. When you invest in New Grandparent Essentials, you’ll have the tools and information you need to be a prepared grandparent, one who will become a valuable partner to parents and an important part of your grandchild’s life.
Yes! Although New Grandparent Essentials is written with brand new grandparents in mind, it’s never too late to become more intentional in your role or to improve your dialog with parents. No matter what your grandchild’s age, investing in New Grandparent Essentials can help you become a more valuable grandparent.
As our lives unfold, we have to constantly adjust how we support the people we love. No matter how great your relationship with your adult children is, there are still potential pitfalls as your roles expand. New Grandparent Essentials provides you with the resources you need to make sure you avoid those pitfalls and continue to enjoy the relationship you’ve always had.
If we enjoy something, or it’s important to us, we almost always look for ways to enhance or improve the experience. We learn new skills for our careers, take a lesson to improve our backhand, invest in better tools for our hobbies. Why wouldn’t you do the same with grandparenting?
Investing in New Grandparent Essentials will give you inspiration for more ways to have an impact on your grandchild’s lives. It will share ideas that will make your role even more rewarding. It will enrich not just your relationship with your grandchildren, but with your children as well.
The beauty of an online course is that you can fit it in wherever and whenever you have time. Most grandparents find it takes about six hours total to complete all the steps, but those hours can be spread out over weeks—or even months! At the end of that time, they feel empowered to be the grandparents they want to be despite any time or lifestyle constraints.
Most in-person grandparenting classes are focused on refreshing your baby care skills. New Grandparent Essentials goes way beyond that. In addition to the latest information on baby care and safety, you’ll get a primer on modern parenting trends. You’ll have the opportunity to create an intentional plan to get everything you want out of being a grandparent. Most important, you’ll have the tools to create a strong support system for parents, the true key to being a valued part of your grandchild’s life.
Of course, some of the information in New Grandparent Essentials is available elsewhere, though you’ll spend a long time searching to make sure you find it all! Plus, grandparents have told us that they didn’t even know how much they didn’t know until they took the course! More important, New Grandparent Essentials is the only place you’ll find our tested framework for ensuring that you can truly support parents and become the grandparent you hope to be.
There are no classes to attend or quizzes to take! New Grandparent Essentials is entirely digital, and can be completed on your own schedule from the comfort of your favorite chair. When you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll simply download the PDf and save it on your computer. Then you are ready to go! You’ll get immediate access to all the sections: Partnering with Parents, Your Grand Plan, Baby Care and Safety, New Trends in Parenting, and Resources.
YES! We’ll be available to answer any questions you have about the course, or about grandparenting!
I know it seems risky to invest in something you can’t hold in your hands and look through first! But we are so confident that New Grandparent Essentials will improve your grandparenting game that we offer a full money-back guarantee. You have 14 days to request a full, hassle-free refund for any reason, eliminating any risk for you!