What’s new in the Wonderful World of Grandparenting?
Preserving Memories: The Importance of Organizing Your Family Photos for Your Grandchildren
Preserving memories and organizing your family photos is not just about keeping them in order; it is about conserving the rich tapestry of your heritage and passing down precious memories to your grandchildren. Learn why organizing your photos honors your ancestors, improves your grandchildren’s emotional health (and yours), and creates a meaningful legacy that will be cherished by future generations.
3 Ways to Celebrate Halloween with Your Grandchildren from a Distance
Halloween is a great opportunity for grandparents to connect with their grandchildren. When you are a long-distance grandparent, it’s harder, but not impossible. Read on for some Halloween ideas that will allow you to celebrate with your grandchildren even if you can’t be together.
The Importance of Grandparents’ Stories
Do you know the power of sharing family stories with your grandchildren? Explore the benefits of these cherished narratives, from building strong relationships to imparting values and life lessons. Learn how storytelling enhances your grandchild's sense of belonging and well-being. Dive into the 'Do You Know...?' scale and find inspiration for your own family tales.
When Cultural Traditions Meet Modern Boundaries
“I come from a big Greek family where grandparents were an important part of children's lives, but my children's rules and boundaries are so strict that I feel as if I'm on the sidelines. I want to be a part of my grandchildren's lives! What can I do to play a bigger role?” ~YiaYia Maria
Welcome to the first installment of Grand Advice, where we answer questions from real grandparents.
Gadgets for Long Distance Grandparenting
One of the things that most grandparents look forward to is being an active part of their grandchild’s life, and being a long-distance grandparent makes that far more difficult. Thanks to technology, , it’s not impossible to connect with your grandchildren on a regular basis. Check out our favorite products that help you be a part of your grandchild’s daily life.
Celebrating Your Grandchild’s New School Year
The start of a new school year is always exciting for our grandchildren, especially if this is their first year of preschool or kindergarten. As grandparents, we have the opportunity to make this time of year a touchpoint for connection. Read on for ways to celebrate with them while building a stronger bond.
3 Lessons from My Grandchildren’s Visit
Every visit from the grandchildren teaches me just a little bit more about how to prepare for the next one. In this post, I share three things I learned after they spent four days at our house. Read on for wisdom you might be able to use when your grandchildren visit your house. There’s a lot you can do in advance to make visits from your grandchildren go smoothly!
5 Unique Ways to Preserve Your Family Memories
Looking for easy ways to save precious memories? This post from Novella shares five creative ways to get those important family memories recorded. Read on to see which one sounds easiest for you!
Bonding Through Board Games
Board games are a perfect gift for your grandchild or a fun activity to enjoy together. Explore how interactive play promotes developmental growth in areas such as patience, numeracy, language development, memory, fine motor skills, and problem-solving. Choose age-appropriate games, create lasting memories, and foster a stronger grandparent-grandchild relationship.
Tips & Tricks for Facetime with Babies
Discover the ultimate guide to bonding with your grandbaby through Zoom or video chat in this must-read blog post for new long-distance grandparents. With expert tips and advice, you'll learn how to make FaceTime with babies a rewarding experience. While nothing beats in-person visits, video chats with FaceTime, Skype and Zoom are a powerful tool for fostering a strong bond and helping your grandchild recognize and love you. Learn how to make FaceTime with babies work for you!
Helping Your Grandkids Handle Stress: A Mindfulness Care Package
Looking for creative gifts to send your grandchildren? Why not send them a care package that will start them on a path to mindfulness. These fun gift ideas will entertain your grandchildren and help them learn to regulate their emotions. Mindfulness has been proven to benefit children, so why not get them started with the care package ideas in this blog post?
Intentional Grandparenting: What It Is and Why It Matters
Learn how to be an intentional grandparent and create deeper, more meaningful relationships with your grandchildren. Intentional grandparents approach the role thoughtfully, considering how they want to impact their grandchild's life. Discover the benefits of intentional grandparenting and get started with tips and resources for setting your intentions and building strong relationships with your grandkids.