Your Grandparent Superpower is Enthusiasm!

Overwhelming love. Endless joy.

​Just thinking of all the memories waiting to be made fills you with delight!

When you learned you were going to be a grandparent (after screaming with joy or bursting into tears—or both at the same time), did you start looking at all those adorable clothes as you walked through Target? Start planning where you could fit a highchair in your kitchen? Pull out the box of toys you’ve been saving in the attic? 

Me, too! There is so much joy to be found when there’s a baby on the way! Having a new little person to love is such an exciting thing for a family. 

You’ve got a grandparent superpower that will multiply that love as you create a relationship with your grandchild.

So why is enthusiasm such a powerful gift for grandparents?

Your enthusiasm and love can create the security a child needs.

Research shows that children who have a loving grandparent in their lives have higher self-esteem and lower risks of depression and other mental illnesses.

Your enthusiasm truly is a superpower: you can be the happy place for a child, providing them with a loving connection and protection from life’s bumps. 

Just be careful that your excitement doesn’t override your common sense as you figure out this new and vitally important role. In the thrill of having a new grandbaby, it’s easy to overlook or ignore parent boundaries. That can undermine the power of your enthusiasm.

Luckily, now that you’ve found More Than Grand, you’ve got a partner to help you navigate those obstacles and start this journey with a clear plan for success.

Your quiz results are designed to help you capitalize on your enthusiasm to support your growing family.

Your Enthusiasm is what makes you an irresistible ally to your grandchildren. You’re the grandparent of every kid’s dreams, and the envy of less creative grandparents. You’ve got years of reliving childhood experiences ahead: fingerpainting and dance parties, pillow forts and movie nights, playing at the park and special trips to your favorite amusement parks. You and your grandchild are going to be the best of friends and partners in crime! 

Your challenge: making sure you are a valuable partner to their parents, too. A baby’s birth is a major life change for new parents: one that’s physical, mental, emotional, financial and more. Grandparents can either make parents’ lives easier—or more difficult.

​As soon as you see that ultrasound picture or get that phone call, it’s time to set up habits that will help you be a supportive partner to parents and become an integral part of your grandchild’s life. 

Watch out for your kryptonite.

Based on your quiz results, you are probably eager to spoil your grandchild! But behind that common message is what can be a toxic mindset: the idea that grandparents get to break all the rules and shower their grandkids with stuff.  Society hasn’t done families any favors by perpetuating the idea that grandparents get to do whatever they want. It makes parents’ jobs harder, and that makes them resent grandparents. 

What most grandparents really mean when they say they want to spoil their grandkids is that they want to shower them with love and fun. And that’s where you shine!


Now that you’re here,
​I’ll show you how to harness your enthusiasm
to strengthen relationships, navigate boundaries,
​and plan for a lifetime of memories.

It’s hard to focus on relationships when you are excited about soaking up baby giggles, but that focus makes all the difference.

I promise you that it will make all the difference!

Write this on a colorful sticky note and post it where you’ll see it every day:

To be the best grandparent possible, I will use my superpower of enthusiasm to support my grandchild’s parents through planning and communication.

Your superpower of enthusiasm will be your advantage as you invest in laying the groundwork for years of belly laughs, beach trips and family dinners. 

I’ll be here with all the support you need to help you create a joyful plan for your future with your grandchild. 

Ready to start?

Until I became one, I never gave any thought to being a grandparent. 

Since our four children are rather spread out in age, I didn’t have much time to transition from parent to grandparent. In fact, my youngest child graduated from high school less than 24 hours before my oldest child became a father. I really didn’t know if I was ready for this new role!

And when I turned to the internet, I couldn’t find a source for information about what I knew was most important: how to best support my grandchild’s parents so I could be a welcome part of their family life. 

So I applied the skills learned in 20-plus years as a military wife: find a way to make what you need.

I started More Than Grand as a way to share inspiration and resources for grandparents who understand the importance of this new role and want to invest in strengthening family bonds. Being a more-than-grand grandparent means having a more-than-grand relationship with your grandchildren’s parents.

We cover topics that matter to grandparents - and parents - such as concrete ways to help new parents, understanding new trends in child care, and meaningful ways to connect with your grandchildren.

​To help make sure you get the help you need, we created a digital course for grandparents that provides the exact steps you need to fully prepare to be a valuable part of your grandchild’s life. New Grandparent Essentials helps flexible grandparents like you clarify your expectations, communicate clearly with parents, and learn what you need to know to be a prepared grandparent—so that you can fully enjoy every minute with your grandchild. You can learn more about it here!​ 

I’m guessing you took this quiz because becoming a grandparent is one of the best things that ever happened to you.

There are so many ways to make it even better, and we want to share them all with you!

​Here’s how to get all the More-Than-Grand goodness:

  • Join our email list for exclusive content, special discounts and first dibs on new resources. 

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