Why the Best Grandparents are Lifelong Learners

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Picture this: Your daughter-in-law mentions a parenting book she's found incredibly useful. Instead of dismissing it as just another trend, you make a mental note of the title. Later, you find yourself checking that very book out of the library, eager to understand what's important to her and how you can support  your grandchild's upbringing.

This scenario, shared by one of our readers, highlights why the best grandparents are lifelong learners. Curiosity and an open mind can transform your grandparenting journey and bring you closer to your grandchildren.

Embracing new parenting methods to support parents

Parenting practices have changed significantly since you were a parent, thanks to new research and changing societal norms. As a grandparent, your willingness to learn about these changes can make a world of difference:

  • Avoiding conflicts: When you're open to learning, you're less likely to clash with parents over different approaches. Instead of insisting on what worked "in your day," you can understand and support their choices.

  • Building trust: Parents appreciate grandparents who take the time to learn about current parenting practices like baby-led weaning. This builds trust, and may lead to more opportunities to be involved in your grandchild's life.

  • Ensuring safety: Staying informed about the latest safety guidelines for infants and children helps you provide the best possible care when you're with your grandchildren. It further reassures parents that you want to support them.

Building bonds with your grandchildren

Lifelong learning isn't just about staying up-to-date with parenting trends. It's also about fostering meaningful connections with your grandchildren:

  • Set a positive example: Showing your grandchildren that you value learning and curiosity makes you a powerful role model.

  • Learn from your grandkids: Let your grandchildren know that learning is a two-way street. Be genuinely interested in learning from them, whether it’s how to play Minecraft or which Bluey character is which. Asking your grandchild to teach you something validates their knowledge and experiences, boosting their confidence.

  • Share in their interests: As they grow, you may discover shared interests with your grandchildren. When you're open to learning new things, sharing a new hobby or a fascination with history can strengthen your bond.

  • Bridge the generation gap: By staying curious about current trends, technology, and pop culture, you can relate better to your grandchildren's world, making conversations more engaging and enjoyable for both of you.

Staying young at heart

Continuing to learn doesn't just benefit your relationships – it's great for you, too. There are multiple benefits when we resist getting set in old patterns of living and thinking:

  • Cognitive health: Engaging in lifelong learning can help maintain cognitive function and potentially reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

  • Emotional well-being: Learning new skills or knowledge can boost self-esteem and provide a sense of accomplishment, contributing to overall happiness and life satisfaction.

  • Adaptability: In our rapidly changing world, being a lifelong learner helps you stay adaptable and resilient, qualities that are invaluable in life as well as your grandparenting role.

Embracing your role as a life-long learner

Here are some practical ways to cultivate a learning mindset:

  1. Stay curious: Ask questions when you don't understand something. Your adult children will likely appreciate your interest in their parenting choices.

  2. Read widely: Keep up with current parenting books, blogs, and reputable websites. This can provide valuable insights into modern parenting approaches. As our reader shared, reading the same parenting books your children find useful can be a great way to understand their perspective.

  3. Attend workshops or classes: Look for local or online classes geared towards grandparents. These can be great sources of information and support.

  4. Embrace technology: Learning to use new technologies can help you stay connected with your family and access a wealth of information. Instead of being afraid of things like AI, learn about its capabilities and how you can use it in your life.

  5. Listen to your grandchildren: Pay attention to their interests and experiences. At the very least, they will appreciate your attention. More likely, you’ll learn something new and exciting!

Remember, being a lifelong learner doesn't mean you have to become an expert in everything. It's about maintaining an open mind, being willing to adapt, and showing your family that you're committed to being the best grandparent you can be.

Your Next Step in Lifelong Learning

By investing in your own learning, you're not just enriching your own life – you're strengthening the bonds within your entire family. Just like our reader who took the initiative to read the parenting book her daughter-in-law recommended, you can take small steps that make a big difference in your relationships.

Ready to embark on your lifelong learning journey as a grandparent? Explore the learning opportunities at Grandparents Academy. Their online classes cover a wide range of subjects important to grandparents, from Growing Your Digital Legacy to Grandparenting from a Distance.

*More Than Grand is a Grandparents Academy affiliate. Registration is free, however if you upgrade to a VIP ticket, More Than Grand may earn a commission.    


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