Easy Crafts with Grandkids: Supplies Grandparents Need for the Ultimate Craft Bin 

Entertaining the grandkids when they visit can be fun…or exhausting. It’s helpful to have materials on hand for a variety of activities, and grandchildren of all ages love creating things. A selection of art and craft supplies on hand for the grandkids can keep them busy and happy when they visit. 

Being ready with craft ideas for kids is mostly about having the right supplies. When those little ones are under five, the key is to keep things simple, safe, and open-ended. Want to know how to set up the perfect craft bin for your next visit from the grandchildren? Read on!

Why Open-Ended Creativity Matters

Before we jump into what to include in our craft bin, a word about open-ended creativity. Simply put, it's about giving kids the freedom to create without a set end goal. Instead of following step-by-step instructions to make a specific craft, open-ended activities let children’s imaginations run wild.

This kind of creativity is important for young children. It helps them:

  • Develop problem-solving skills

  • Boost their confidence

  • Express themselves freely

  • Learn to think outside the box

Castle created with construction paper, pipe cleaners and crayons

Plus, it's just plain fun! When grandkids (and grandparents) aren't worried about making something "perfect," everyone can relax and enjoy the process.

The last time our grandchildren visited, they spent a happy hour with their aunt creating an amazing castle with cardboard, construction paper, markers, pipe cleaners and a paper plate. They unleashed their imagination and ingenuity as they drew stone walls, created climbing vines, and engineered a tower.

Setting Up A Craft Bin for the Grandchildren

Even if you have a selection of art or craft supplies for your own use, it’s a good idea to create a separate drawer or bin that is purely for the grandkids. That way you don’t have to track what’s washable or non-toxic–and they won’t use up your pricey watercolors.

The perfect craft bin for children contains a mix of basics and fun add-ons that grand kids can use in a variety of ways. To make your shopping easy, we’ve created a list of all these items on Amazon. The best part is that most of these supplies will last for years. Investing in a well-stocked craft bin will provide entertainment for visits long into the future. Kids never outgrow paper and markers!

The Essentials:

  • Construction paper in various colors

  • Plain white paper (a long roll is a great investment!)

  • Crayons

  • Markers

  • Tape

  • Glue sticks

  • Kid-sized scissors

  • Pipe cleaners

  • Stickers 

Found Items (free and fun):

  • Cardboard tubes from paper towels or toilet paper

  • Old magazines for collages

  • Bits of ribbon or yarn

  • Clean, empty food containers

Optional Items (depending on your tolerance for mess):

  • Stamps and stamp pads

  • Washi tape

  • Paint

  • Glitter glue

  • Pom poms

  • Googly eyes

  • Safety First

When crafting with grandchildren under five, safety is a definite concern. Always opt for non-toxic products, and keep an eye out for choking hazards, especially with the youngest grandkids. Those pom poms might look tasty to a curious toddler!

Encouraging Open-Ended Creativity

Now that you've got your supplies ready, how do you encourage open-ended creativity? Here are a few tips:

  1. Present materials without giving specific instructions. Instead of saying, "Let's make a butterfly," try "What can we create with these pipe cleaners and paper?"

  2. Ask open-ended questions. "What do you think would happen if we mixed these colors?" or "How else could we use this cardboard tube?"

  3. Focus on the process, not the product. Instead of asking, "What is it?" try "Tell me about what you're making."

  4. Join in the fun! Kids love seeing adults get creative too. Don't worry about making something "good" - just enjoy the process alongside them.

Craft Bin in Action

With your well-stocked craft bin, the possibilities are endless. Your grandkids might decide to:

  • Create a collage cityscape using magazine cutouts and construction paper

  • Design their own sticker-covered superhero cape

  • Build a cardboard tube forest, complete with pipe cleaner animals

Remember, there's no right or wrong way to use these materials. The magic happens when kids are free to explore and create on their own terms.

Keeping It Tidy

There’s no escaping it: crafting can get messy. Set up your craft area on a table or floor that’s easy to clean. If you’re getting out paint or glitter glue, have the kids wear a paint smock or an old t-shirt of Grandpa’s. When you are done, make clean-up part of the fun by turning it into a game. Who can pick up the most scraps in 30 seconds? Can we sort the crayons by color?

Store your craft supplies in clear, labeled containers. We like keeping everything in one bin that slides under the bed–we’ve included one in our Amazon Shop. This makes it easy for grandchildren to see what's available and helps with the post-craft tidy-up. 


Creating a craft bin filled with open-ended possibilities is a fantastic way to entertain your grandkids and nurture their creativity. Remember, it's not about making perfect crafts - it's about making memories, exploring new ideas, and having fun together.

With a well-stocked craft bin, you’ll be ready for some creative adventures with your grandkids. Who knows? You might discover your own inner artist along the way.

Visit our Amazon Storefront to see the supplies we mention in this post.


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