Fun Letters to Grandchildren: Grandparent Love Letters

​Want a guaranteed way to make your grandchild’s day? No matter if they are 2 years old or 20, the answer is the same: the best way to deliver unexpected joy is by sending them a letter in the mail. Whether you live far away from your grandchildren or just across town, your grandchild will be delighted to receive a letter from you. What’s more, letters from grandparents to grandchildren are a powerful way to share your memories, values and love. 

Sending Love in the Mail

Nothing says “I love you” like a letter in the mail! Grandparents’ letters to grandchildren are an amazing way to create a strong and lasting bond, even before your grandkids are able to talk. Letters are tangible proof that you are thinking of your grandchild, and a way to express your love and support. Stories, memories and details from your life will engage and entertain your grandkids.

In addition to being a way to keep in touch, letter writing can also be a valuable educational opportunity for grandchildren. Letters can help grandchildren learn about family history and experiences, and can also help them improve their reading and writing skills.

There is simply no better way to link generations than regularly writing letters to a grandchild!

What Should I Write to My Grandchild?

Do you struggle with what to write in a letter to your grandchild? You aren’t alone. “Letters to my grandchild prompts” is one of the most-googled phrases in the grandparent world! No matter how much (or little) you like to write, when you are faced with a blank page it can be hard to know what you should write to your grandchildren. It can be especially hard when your grandchild is too young to respond. You sometimes feel as if you are writing into a void!

We’ve got the answer: Grandparent Love Letters. These beautifully designed PDF’s will delight your grandchild and create a written record of the memories you want to share. This set of twelve printable letter templates makes it easy to write a monthly letter to your grands that will foster connection and spread joy.

Every month has an overall theme and some prompts to help you share your stories. These prompts are just starting points, so there’s also plenty of room to write about whatever you have on your mind. If your grandchild is old enough, you can print and send a second copy for them to fill in and return to you. And if you send a self-addressed, stamped envelope, you increase your odds of getting a letter back from your grandchild!

So if you’ve ever asked, “What should I write to my grandchild?”, pop over to our shop and grab your Grandparent Love Letters so you can start sending love through the mail. For just $10, you can make 2025 the year you shower your grandchild with love every month.

Start sending them love now. 


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