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Celebrating Your Grandchild’s New School Year

The start of a new school year is always exciting for our grandchildren, especially if this is their first year of preschool or kindergarten. As grandparents, we have the opportunity to make this time of year a touchpoint for connection. We can play a supporting role in celebrating this new chapter in their lives. We can nurture their excitement and help ease any fears they may have about the transition. We can also start a tradition that they will look forward to year after year.

Create a Special Back-to-School Tradition

Starting a unique back-to-school tradition will add a touch of magic to this special time of year. What kind of tradition? While Pinterest has plenty of ideas for fancy back-to-school bashes, a tradition can be meaningful without lots of planning and organizing.  Your back-to-school tradition doesn’t need to be expensive, time-consuming or elaborate. Here are some ideas:

  • Send an end-of-summer letter. Write about any memories you made together, and share stories of your own experience in whatever grade they are entering. Enclose a photo of their mom or dad from that grade, as well.

  • Send a special school lunch treat that they only get once a year. I made Chocolate Scotcheroos every year for the first and last week of school, and my kids still ask for them at the end of the summer. It doesn’t need to be homemade: one daughter also remembers the thrill of getting Fruit Roll-ups with a new lunchbox, something we never bought. Just make sure to check with parents—some schools have strict rules about what can be brought in lunchboxes even if parents don’t.

  • Have a backyard picnic with any cousins or neighborhood children. This chance for social interaction and imaginative play will reinforce your grandchild’s ability to make new friends.

  • Be the “back-to-school fairy”. Send a little something to take to school with with them as a source of comfort and encouragement. Ask parents to slip it under their pillow a couple of days before school starts. It can be as simple as a colorful eraser or a novelty ice-pack for their lunch box. We’ve got more ideas in our Amazon shop.

Building a tradition gives your grandchild a regular anchor that stays constant in a changing environment. The start of the school year can be scary—a new school, or even just a new class. A tradition that they can count on year after year will make the start of every school year more familiar and ease the back-to-school transition.

Read Back-to-School Books Together

Reading back-to-school themed books is an excellent way to spark conversations about the upcoming school year. Reading together can help alleviate any fears and instill a sense of excitement and curiosity about school life. There are plenty of picture books that highlight the joys of school, making new friends, and embracing new experiences. We recently shared our favorite books about starting school in this blog post.

Make Supporting Parents a Tradition, Too

Back-to-school time is incredibly busy and expensive for parents, and the perfect opportunity for grandparents to extend a helping hand. Grandparents may not be able to fill in all the forms, arrange the carpool, or go to back-to-school night, but there are many other ways they can help. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Offer to take on the shopping trip for school supplies or new school shoes.

  • Help pay for a first-day-of-school outfit.

  • Deliver breakfast on the morning of the first day. Just make sure it arrives early, not late!

  • Send a gift card to Target, Staples or Walmart, or wherever they’ll be doing their back-to-school shopping.

Help Them Express Their Feelings

Starting school brings up lots of emotions—both positive and negative. You can help your grandchild process those feelings simply by being there to listen. Allow them to share their thoughts, experiences, and any worries they may have. Validate their feelings and provide gentle reassurance, letting them know that it's okay to feel excited or nervous about school.

You can also provide your grandchild with a special notebook or art supplies to create a back-to-school journal or drawing book. Encourage them to share their feelings and expectations about the school year through drawings or simple sentences. This creative outlet can help them express their emotions so they can look forward to the school journey with enthusiasm.

Why You Should Celebrate the Start of the School Year

A strong bond with your grandchild is built on small, regular gestures. Recognizing that the start of the school year is important to them is one of those small gestures, but one your grandchild will appreciate. It shows that you are interested in their lives, and helps them understand you are there when they need you. They’ll know you are there at other times, as well.  

What will you do to help your grandchild have a fantastic start to their school year? Let us know!