Becoming a grandparent?
Learn how to nurture relationships that enrich the whole family.
Becoming a grandparent is amazing.
Meeting my youngest grandchild, born during Covid lockdowns.
In fact, becoming a grandparent is probably the easiest amazing thing you’ve ever done. Someone else did all the hard work, and you were blessed with a perfect child to shower with love and attention.
It’s an incredible relationship. But like all relationships, even if it starts out easy, it takes effort and nurturing to make it meaningful.
If you are looking for ways to create a deep and lasting bond with your grandchild, you are in the right place.
More Than Grand® is full of honest advice and valuable ideas for strengthening the bonds with your grandchildren—and with their parents. Our signature guide for new grandparents, New Grandparent Essentials, gives you all the information you need to realize a supportive partnership and make joyful memories for years to come. Over on the blog, we touch on topics from ways to support expectant parents to how to write letters that foster connection.
A little about me
Until I became one, I never gave any thought to being a grandparent.
Since our four children are rather spread out in age, I didn’t have much time to transition from parent to grandparent. In fact, my youngest child graduated from high school less than 24 hours before my oldest child became a father. I really didn’t know if I was ready for this new role.
It turns out I’d had pretty good preparation.
Obviously, being a mother was helpful—I knew things like how to soothe a baby and which books to read to a three-year-old.
Being a military spouse was also excellent preparation for this stage in life. Just like the military, grandchildren often require a quick change of plans with no complaining. My very first job as grandmother, after quickly meeting my three-day-old grandson, was to drive across the country with my exhausted son so he didn’t fall asleep behind the wheel on his way to a new job. (I then flew back to help his wife with the baby until she felt well enough to join him.)
My time as an elementary school office lady has also been helpful: As a grandparent, you need to be calm in the face of whatever is thrown at you, whether it’s a split-open chin or people with irrational requests. (Just like the elementary school, those irrational requests usually come from parents!)
Strangely, though, I think my years as a communications consultant have been the most useful. Being a more-than-grand grandparent means having a more-than-grand relationship with your grandchildren’s parents. And that all comes down to how you communicate with them: Asking the right questions, listening carefully, and making sure you are clear about your intentions.
Why I started More Than Grand®
When I found out I was going to be a grandmother, I searched the internet for advice on establishing a strong relationship with my grandchildren. Though I found a few articles here and there, most of the grandparenting websites I found seemed to be focused on how much fun it is to be a grandparent. I wanted more than craft ideas and sentimental memes, and I suspect you do, too.
I created More Than Grand® with a focus on how important it is to be a grandparent. There’s plenty of fun along the way, but it’s fun with a purpose: to make a positive impact on your grandchild’s life.
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I'm thoroughly enjoying this journey through the world of grandparenting, and I know you will, too! I'd love to hear how it's going for you—send me an email with your thoughts, questions or complaints!
Thank you for joining me!
DeeDee Moore
Founder, More Than Grand® LLC