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Let’s Keep Our Grandkids Safe

Did you know that June is National Safety Month in the United States? Although it was created to improve workplace safety, it’s a great time to review the all the ways grandparents can help keep their grandchildren safe. Even if you don’t see your grandkids that often, making safety a priority should be every grandparent’s goal.

We’ve published many blog posts about ways to reduce the risk of accidents and injury when your grandkids are around. Read on for a round-up of the best posts on protecting your grandchildren.

Does your first aid kit include supplies for visiting grandkids?

While you likely have a well-stocked first aid cabinet, you may need different supplies for the small emergencies that happen when children are in the house. Children’s pain reliever, a kid-friendly ice-pack, a temporal thermometer: these are some of the things that will make sure you are ready if anything comes up while the grandkids are at your house. See all our recommendations for the Ultimate Grandparent’s First Aid Kit here.

Be ready for big emergencies, too

Accidents can happen at any time. No matter how hard we work to protect our grandchildren, accidents are a part of life. As much as we try to share everything a new grandparent needs to know, online resources can only go so far. Read Are You Prepared for Emergencies to find out why all grandparents should take a CPR/first aid class and a class on how to help a choking child.

Do you know the most common sources of accidental injury?

Understanding the most common sources of accidental injury is key to protecting our grandchildren. Taking steps to reduce those risks is something we can all do. Yet too many of us don’t take the time.

The first step is to know what the dangers are. Learn the most common causes of accidental injury in children under five and how to avoid them in Keep Your Grandkids Safe.

What you need to know about babyproofing

Grandparents can be surprised by what a hazardous place a house becomes once the children have grown. If your grandchild will be visiting, it’s important to minimize possible dangers. Make sure to have a conversation with parents to find out what safety concerns they have so you can address those as you babyproof Grandma’s house. Learn about childproofing basics so your home is safe for your grandchild.

Used baby gear can be a dangerous bargain

Saving money is a good reason to look for quality used baby gear, but your grandchild’s safety should override getting a bargain. Whether you borrow, buy, or pull a used item out of storage, you need to check it closely for safety based on today’s safety standards. Read What New Grandparents Need to Know: Used Baby Gear to make sure you know what to look for when buying or using hand-me-down or vintage baby gear.

Social Media safety: yes, that’s a thing

The dangers of social media start way before cyber-bullying. No matter how careful you are with your privacy settings, anything you post online can end up in the hands of people who want to cause harm. Identity thieves are just waiting for grandparents to share full names and birthdays. Child pornographers can do damage with innocent photos of your grandchild in the wading pool. Make sure you aren’t endangering your grandchild when you are using social media.

Toys aren’t always safe for kids

It’s easy to see how old toys might not meet current safety standards. It’s harder to know what to look for in toys that you can buy today. Children ages 1-4 end up in emergency rooms for toy-related injuries far too often.  We cover What Grandparents Need to Know About Toy Safety here.  

Keep up to date on new recommendations

One of the most valuable things a grandparent can do is be open to learning what’s changed. Holding on to the way we did things can endanger our grandchildren. Advances in research and changes in safety standards mean that we need to learn what’s new to truly keep our grandkids safe. Read about four changes that every grandparent needs to be aware of.

National Safety Month has helped reduce workplace accidents and injuries. Let’s all work together to reduce the number of preventable accidents and injuries in children, as well.

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